Anxiety – A “Game” That Matters on Roblox

If you don’t know, “Roblox is a massively multiplayer online game creation platform that allows users to design their own games and play a wide variety of different types of games created by other users through Roblox Studio. (Wikipedia) ”

There are so many ways to be creative on this platform.  I’ve seen so much as it is.  Admittedly much of it is games as we imagine games.  There are obstacles (obbies/obbys), PvP (Player vs. Player battle), survival, role-playing, and a lot of original weirdness that is loads of fun!!

This was the first time I had seen a “game” made by a developer, Zoidberg656, that was not only NOT a game but was meant to be an experience to spread awareness and teach from the perspective of someone suffering from an ailment.  Also, it is personal for them.

The description of the game reads, “I suffer from a severe social anxiety disorder and depression, and these things can often lead to me just getting really anxious and paranoid while alone. I made this game as a bit of an eye opener, giving an idea of how anxiety can disturb it’s victim and cause them to go into a panic attack. Please note that not everyone experiences the same symptoms of anxiety.”

I was immediately touched by the game.  After playing I had goosebumps.  I cried.

I also suffer from Anxiety Disorders: Panic Disorder and Generalized Anxiety Disorder.  We don’t look sick…even when we are having an attack.  I am aware, especially from the reactions of the people around me that we often look like we are just “trying to get attention” or are “over-reacting”.  This often adds to the isolation and loneliness we feel.

I tried to describe having a panic attack before.  I came pretty close.  I said to imagine everything bad in your life, every hurt you ever felt, every lonely moment, every second of insecurity and fear, every time you felt restless and didn’t know why, every negative thought you have had about yourself…now pack that into 15 minutes and have it all hit you at once plus a shot of adrenaline to your body and add an overwhelming feeling of impending doom.  So yeah that about sums it up for me anyways.

So, I felt inspired, no compelled, to make a video from the game from my perspective.  As if it was me, in my home.  Making it was disturbing as well as cathartic.  Thank you for watching and remember this is real for us.


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